Friday, September 10, 2010

28/52 and 29/52

Alright, I'm slowly but surely catching up with all of these missed blog posts.

The first piece here comes from the weekend of August 21-22, known in the great city of RVA as Best Friend's Day. BFD is an event each year, signaling the end of summer, where hipsters, gutter punks, metalheads, weirdos, and innocent bystanders come together at Hadad's Lake for 3 things: booze, bands, and swimming in the most unsanitary water ever. Their website might explain things better than me.
Anyway, 3000 people converged on this "lake" and we had a blast. I brought along my trusty vuvuzela from the World Cup and it made its way around our pavilion making annoying noises and also making an excellent beer bong. Unfortunately, it was too good at being annoying and was thrown from a moving vehicle (by a friend who demands I always recycle) on the way home. I'm posting an amazing video by my friend, Karen Siefert that illustrates beautifully how awesome the day was. Now, it won't really make my mom and dad proud so if you know them or are them, just scroll down to the art.

Also on BFD weekend, I had my going away party at my friend Jenn Ward's awesome bar, Strange Matter. ( ) They closed the restaurant just for me and we filled it with my friends. It was a really good chance to say goodbye to Richmond.

This is the PBR tower that we built on the bar before it got too high and toppled. (photo by @partyshark) And Mom and Dad, there were about fifty people there. I assure you this wasn't the work of just my roommates and I. (I'm not your youngest son, after all)

So, here's the piece. A vuvuzela, artificially dyed water, a hot pink border, and a tower of PBR cans. A perfect summary of the weekend.

Last week's piece doesn't have quite so much backstory. On September 2nd, I moved from Richmond, VA to Savannah, GA to pursue my Master's in Textile Design at SCAD. I was so caught up in the packing and goodbyes that I didn't really take many pics. So here's the map of my journey down I-95. My dad; his friend, Roy; and my friend, Stephanie Breijo, all accompanied me for the move. It all went off without a hitch and I am so in love with my new home. The next post will have pictures and stories of my first week here.

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